
OK. I understand where you are coming from, and on my part I should have rephrased my comment. I get that you're frustrated with me for supposedly bashing Shei, but I was not bashing her. OK? I wasn't-and I never will-bash her. But in my defense you have no place to tell me to keep my opinions to myself. I can share them however and with whomever I please. I often don't because of people like you. You hate on those who are outspoken enough to want their voices heard. So, have a nice day. :)


Dear @whatever_forever_xx I couldn't care less if you wanted to be this way but i distinctively said 'some of your opinions' not all so next time please read it properly and by the way outspoken people are the best because they speak their minds however being demanding and selfish is not. So have a good weekend :-D