
I'm so sorry to all my followers. I've been trying to get the next chapter up of Star Weaver as well as finalize the rules for the science fiction competition. It's a lot of work but please have patience.


@roo3story  For three reasons. 
          Science Fiction is one of the most underrated genres in literature. In my opinion it has more to offer than some of the more popular paranormal and fantasy genres. Our club is not very active. This is a contest for people to get excited about their work. 
          Secondly, the way the contest is set up helps writers tackle the skills they're weakest in. Some writers have excellent stories but most people don't get past their description page. Or sometimes their first chapter turns readers away when the rest of their story is awesome. So I tried to format the contest in a way that helps them pinpoint where they are losing readers.
          Lastly, I want to read some good Science Fiction.
          Earlier, I put up a thread asking club members what would be a good reward for a contest. Personally, I would take the 5k edit because that helped me as a writer. But a lot people liked the money/gift card idea more.
          Don't apologize for asking. We should all be on the lookout for the welfare of our fellow writers. :)


Hello! I saw your contest. Is it open to UK residents?


            Cool! I was planning to start writing one


@Iwritevariety Yes! Open to anyone writing an original science fiction story in English.