Luke Norland and Adelle Launton both came from opposite ends of the outcast table. One was an ex-popular, accused of attempting suicide and bringing their reputation down, from High School Royalty, to Roll Class Wreck. The other had no interest in labels to begin with - they only wished that the superheroes they read about could actually come alive and save the people who needed saving. With all the hardship these two endure, they find themselves face-to-face. How much of an effect could an alleged suicidal and a wannabe saviour have on each other?
Everyone knows that the bad guys never win. Even if they win, they don't win.
Everything is always put into the perspective of the poor, defenceless girl, who is lucky enough to gain courage to pursuit her dreams with an absolutely gorgeous man looking out for us. And what to those people who are portrayed as the evil perpetrators left with?
Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada. It is a sad story, but it is true. The story of the people whose sides of the stories you never hear shall be told, in detail and all.
Perhaps it is not only the precious, little girls who spend their lives living in misery. And sometimes, people aren't all they turn out to be.
©COPYRIGHT Tianna Ormsby