I just had the most terrifying thought. What if you were in bnha, and everyone was zombies BUT they could use their quirks. Like imagine just running away from a hoard of zombies and you look behind you to see a zombie running up to you as fast as iida. That terrifies me now. Imma make it into a book! Brought to you by a crackheaded Leo àt 3:35 am on a Sunday. -3/22/20

@Zodiac_Maniacs Probably. If one of them zombies has a super sniff quirk, she'll probably can be sniffed, unless she out smear dirt and leaves all over her since her scent is covered by dirt and leaves. But idk aaa

@CocoNeedsSleep terrifying. But everybody know how to survive till Toru come up on the scene. When she break in nobody gonna know where she is. But maybe because she's invisible the zombies won't see her and therefore she won't be bittin???? Unless she was part of the experiment that made the zombies. Just talking about it gets me motivated to start making it a book-

@Zodiac_Maniacs Just imagine if one of the zombies have a teleportation quirk. Just imagine you're just do your business and boop- munch away your brains