*Waves* Heya, I saw your ad for voiceovers in the forums :) I've just started doing audiobooks and I'd love it, if the whole voiceover/audio thing was more common/ popular on here... so I'm just gonna follow you and maybe come over to annoy you some with my disgusting enthusiasm at some point, and maybe try to recruit you for some nefarious make-audio-popular scheme ;D

@Art-ificial Haha, I like you already too! You seem cool :3 I'll check it out sometime *pinky promise*

@ZoeKate_ *______* Ohh I like you already (btw! I know it's bad form to "advertise" but I just uploaded a sort of Catalog where you can listen to the audio of the first chapter of the books I'm currently recording. So if you ever want to see what kind of stuff I do, come and have a look/listen :3 Is there any place I can check out some of your voice-overs? *curious*)