Hello! So, I've been pondering about this for a very long time and I've decided to do it.
So first of all I have got a list of reviews I requested, once those are all completed, I will be unpublishing my book, taking away all of the votes, comments and views, leaving only the first edited chapter and an authors note.
For example, once I get all my completed reviews for Notre Dame, I will be unpublishing all my chapters and keeping the chapter 1 edited version (Completing the last part now) and making a new authors notes. While the chapters are in a draft version, I will completely re-doing each chapter and keeping them as a draft until I get all current chapters completely edited. Those ill remain in draft version.
The same goes for the dinner guest. Until all reviews are completed, I will continue to upload completely edited chapters and after, I will leave one edited chapter and an authors notes, putting the others in draft versions.
Once all chapters in both books are completely edited and checked over, I will say in the author notes and I'm running out of space so I will say in the next post!
I will be recording the comments just to help me in editing and will of course be using the completed reviews to help me as well.