
Hey! I already have several articles on 9/11 in my book, so I figured I’d post something instead. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were a horrible tragedy, one that will scar some families forever. How many kids do you think grew up without a parent? How many people lost their spouses, their children, their best friend? How many people lived in fear that their city would be next? Take a moment to pray for these people and remember their plights.


Hey Zoey! just wanted to say I love your work, its plain amazing. Could you check out the "From the Desks of Fowl Manor? I asked a question,  and unfortunately I am not a patient person. No rush tho, again, your work is awesome, and look forward to seeing it more in the future.
          Good job!!


Hey! I already have several articles on 9/11 in my book, so I figured I’d post something instead. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were a horrible tragedy, one that will scar some families forever. How many kids do you think grew up without a parent? How many people lost their spouses, their children, their best friend? How many people lived in fear that their city would be next? Take a moment to pray for these people and remember their plights.


Heeeeey! I dunno if you’re in the path for Hurricane Laura, but I defiantly am, and she’s supposed to be as bad as Katrina and Rita. Please stay safe, and offer to help your neighbors, friends, and relatives. If you are and have any questions about what you need to do, or what a hurricane is like, you can always send me a message and I’ll reply if I have power. I live on the coast, so it’s supposed to be bad here. 


I’m currently sitting on the floor sobbing for no reason other than that I’m hormonal on my period and I really wanted a hug, but my best friend lives really far away, so I really just need someone to either tell me to shut up and stop crying, or give me a big hug and tell me it’s going to be okay.


Hey guys!  If your bored in quaruntine check out the bucket list I'm posting on my book of inspirational lessons! It has things for both before and after quaruntine and  I tried to make it as un-standard as possible. Do one or do 'em all! Stay safe in quaruntine and coronoavius. Together, apart, Zoey


Hey! I hope everyone is staying safe in quarantine! Or if your out of quarantine, lucky you! Remember to help however you can, and stay in touch with your friends! My friends and I are planning a party for after quarantine ends. Share with me what YOU want to do when quarantine ends!!


I am so thrilled because my book with life lessons and my way of berating injustice just reached #1 in the tag wearehere. Thank you to everyone who read it and to all my followers! 


Now also number two in #raiseyourvoice and three in #loveeachother! I am so ecstatic! Thank you so much and if you wannt to check it out the title is Be Inspired.