
hello everybody!! I hope that your having a good day today^^
          	i wanted to present you people ....
          	@catherineburrows ! I particularly loved her story hate at first sight~ it's a werewolf story and I can say that i'm IN LOVE with it!! check it out whenever you can!
          	And also please check out @imrigs !!! I spend 24h (with only 2h of sleep) reading her story^^ ( it's a bxb story named Hayes with mafia thingy but, REALLY, it was so good!! i'm also in love btw)
          	if you are reading this you two.. I cAnNOt WaIT It'S SOoOOoooO GoOD!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ❤️❤️❤️


Awe thank you so much for your praise and shout out! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story so much!! :) 


hello everybody!! I hope that your having a good day today^^
          i wanted to present you people ....
          @catherineburrows ! I particularly loved her story hate at first sight~ it's a werewolf story and I can say that i'm IN LOVE with it!! check it out whenever you can!
          And also please check out @imrigs !!! I spend 24h (with only 2h of sleep) reading her story^^ ( it's a bxb story named Hayes with mafia thingy but, REALLY, it was so good!! i'm also in love btw)
          if you are reading this you two.. I cAnNOt WaIT It'S SOoOOoooO GoOD!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ❤️❤️❤️


Awe thank you so much for your praise and shout out! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story so much!! :) 