Lyrics of the song "Baba brought me a ballon" by the singer Jinni Muqaddad
Baba brought me a ballon... Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes... Red and yellow in color. Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes
Blow it up... Oof... Oof... He started doing this to it... Zzz... Zzz... He tied it up for me... Oh... I told him, may God bless you
Baba brought me a color... Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes... Red and yellow in color... Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes
It flew and popped... Tink... Tink.. And I got upset about my color... Oh... Oh... Baba changed it and it turned out... Oh... Thank you, light of my eyes
Baba brought me a color... Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes... Red and yellow in color... Oh my eyes... Oh my eyes
(Love how it translated "يا عيني" which means "im happy" to the word "eye")