
Hey, currently on a Hazbin Hotel High. Have a one shot in the works. Super excited about it. Revolves around Sir Pentious and I even have a radiodust story in the works. Keep a look out for that soon!!!
          	Also, wanted to revisit some old works. Which would y'all rather see more of: To Our Family or Kaito Kitten? I'll put some time into whichever one is preferred.


Hey, currently on a Hazbin Hotel High. Have a one shot in the works. Super excited about it. Revolves around Sir Pentious and I even have a radiodust story in the works. Keep a look out for that soon!!!
          Also, wanted to revisit some old works. Which would y'all rather see more of: To Our Family or Kaito Kitten? I'll put some time into whichever one is preferred.


Hey ya'll, been a while. Anyway, hurricane hits sometime today. Most likely just a tropical storm where I live, that's the hope. I do have a one-shot in the works I will be releasing soon(it's a Tokyo Revengers One-shot). I have been busy with school and a really long side story of mine, but I hope to get back into the groove of writing the stories I have here on hold. 
          Another update I have: Next Wednesday, I will be having surgery in my hand and personally, I am scared. I never had surgery before so we will see how it happens. I will let you guys know what happens with both the hurricane and the surgery. 
          Also, if I was to update a story, which story that is incomplete would you guys want to read next?


All our love! 


@ZolfEdwardElric oh no! hope the surgery goes well!


Hey. y'all. How are you guys? I am doing so much better. I actually wasn't doing to well for a while. I had problem broke down a few times from this stress. I was really stressed because I was in so many AP classes for my high school. I finally made the call and dropped one. I was feeling stressed and I never had any time to really write. I feel more relieved that I dropped AP Calculus. I was in four AP classes plus a duel Enrollment class, so 5 college level classes, and the AP Calculus was my biggest problem. I am no longer in that class and now I am happy that I will have some more time, hopefully. I have a few new ideas for stories that I will be writing/uploading soon and I have a plan for a few of my other stories. 
          King of Heroes, meet Young Justice will be updated on every other Saturday if you didn't already notice. I have a one shot I am working on when I can and I have two stories I am handwriting for now. I will also try to update either Kaito Kitten or To Our Family next, but I haven't figured out which one I want to work on. I have to see how this week works out for me.
          Anyway, my class is about to start. I am surprised that I was able to write this much for a note to you guys. Have a good day and as Robin says, stay Whelmed.


@ZolfEdwardElric Hey if u need to talk I'm here for u Ok 


@gamermaster74 Yes, I am fine. I wasn't for a little bit, but I am now. I don't always tell people if something is wrong because I don't want people to worry. Thank you for checking up on me. I have to log off and go to class now. I have band practice after school so I don't know when I will be able to talk, but I will see. Thank you for worrying about me. Have a good day. 


Hey, y'all. If you saw, I posted a new story. No, I am not giving up on the other stories. I really hope to post some chapters for them soon. Anyway, before my family gets here and I forget, I got a shout out from my friend. I think you should check out her stories. She's a super nice friend of mine and she updates why more than me. XD
          Go check her out when you have the chance.


Omg ily tysm <3


Guys..... I'm not okay right now. I wanted to work on some of my stories but I'm not sure if I will be able to. More information in the newsletter since I used up the character limit.


Sending love ❤️


@MEJ2235 Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.


Question: Should I write a RadioDust one-shot? I do have a small idea for it. The idea is that Angel leaves for a period of time. Whenever he comes back, he is always distant until the following morning when he acts as if nothing had happened. Alastor decides to follow Angel on one of his outings. What does Al find out about Angel?
          Do you guys like this idea or no? I might write it anyway, but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in that kind of story. I've had this idea for a while but was unsure whether or not to make it a full story or a one-shot. I think one-shot would be best. Opinions?


Hey, y'all. Will be posting today. It's gonna be a My Hero One-shot. I am really happy about this one. This one was actually based off a joke and than my friend actually asked me to write this for her. I didn't have a good plot for it, and I stopped watching the show for a little bit. After I watched another episode after a while and I got an idea for this. I started to write this as soon as I could and whenever I could. I am working on editing now so it will be up really soon!
          And on another note. Why is Kaishin so cute!??!?! I mean, come on. Kaito is such a flashy person and Shinichi is such a dork. He chases after Kaito all the time, it's adorable!!!! Honestly, they need more time on screen and more interaction. 
          Anyway, have a good day!!!!