this message may be offensive
I have made a big fuck up... I was dating someone, k? Right? Everything was good till me ex, who I was still friends with was like "hey, wanna be in a poly with me, my bf, and his ex?" And I was like, I gotta talk to my bf first, so I told him and I broke up with him, I was pretty blunt about it, and then I got into the poly. Great for about 11 hours, then my now ex texts me and we just had an argument about literally everything, I knowni did some pretty fucked up shit but he didn't help by making it sound even worse than what I did, even though I was trying not to do anything I'd regret he just decided to say fuck you and I was like, I'm not Gonna say fuck you too, why? Because I'm not making myself feel even more like shit. And now I feel even worse because I can't even cry about it, I went numb 2 days ago.... I fucked up so bad... I hate it...