this message may be offensive
I posted this to my tumblr, it hadn't occurred to me when I posted it that not all of you follow me on there, and I believe you should all have he same information as to my lack of activity recently.
I’m sorry for not writing a request in so long, it’s horrible to all of you and I understand that. I just…I’ve been in such a bad state lately, a horrible one, in all honesty. I’ve hardly left my house, hardly even left my bed…fuck, that’s pathetic isn’t it? I’m sorry, I really am. I made a mistake two nights ago, and I have to recover from it, but I’m working on a story in moments I don’t feel sleep coming to me and have some energy to move, and hopefully if I have the drive I’ll finish it soon to give you all something to read until I can get back to writing requests again. I know none of you asked for an explanation, but I feel like I owe all of you one - it only seems right, to me at least. I’m sorry, I’m fine now but…I honestly don’t want to do anything right now - can’t do anything. Even writing this feels stupid, wrong, and hard to do. I’m sorry, once again. I’m trying to get better, I really am, I just don’t want any of you thinking I’ve abandoned this account, because I haven’t. It’s why I still rebolg things every now and then, it’s to let you all know I’m still here, but I’m really sorry for doing all this to all of you wonderful people, again. I’m so sorry.
I love you all, I really do.