Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I've had to take so much time away! Life kind of happened and got really hectic so I needed to take some time out. I don't know if I'll be able to reply to everything that's happened since I last came on here, but I just wanted to say thank you so, so much for all the support on all of my works; it means the absolute world to me and I could never put into words how grateful I am.
I'll be honest, I hit a bit of a writer's block with Any Time, Any Place, so I'm going to put that on standby for now and hopefully come back to it at a later date. I'm so sorry to anyone who's been waiting for the next parts of that, and I'm hoping to revisit it at some point as I love the premise of the story and really want to do it justice!
In the meantime, I've kind of been writing some stuff that's a little bit different, but I do have a one-shot to upload, and a full story to upload once I've proof-read it. They're both actually about Reno from Final Fantasy 7, and I'm pretty proud of them (especially the story as it gets pretty emotional!), so I hope they're something you can enjoy too!
Again, I'm really sorry for my absence and for not coming back with something Pokémon-related, but hopefully the stories I'm about to upload will be enjoyable too! Life is still a bit crazy, but I really do appreciate all the support and it blows my mind that people are actually reading and enjoying what I write so thank you❤️