Hi Guys,
I know for Alpha King and I, that I restricted it to only the first 5 chapters on here now due to Amazon rules, but for my loyal wattpad followers, I wanted to let you guys know I put up a way to get it for free temporarily through book sprout.
I believe it let's you keep a pdf of the story(if i understood it correctly). :) it's only active through the 26th of this month so get it while you can. I know it says it wants you to do a review, but you don't need to with me(it's optional in my opinion) - I'm good either way. ^^
Below is the link just copy and paste:
(If you run into any trouble with this, please PM me and I can send a free copy of it through Amazon Kindle instead- though for the free copy through Kindle I can only do the first 50 people who PM me)