
this message may be offensive
          	For those who don't know, I'm Malaysian and I'm facing SPM this year
          	That shit is around the corner 
          	So don't expect any updates in the next few months 
          	Not that I've updated at all for the past year or so


this message may be offensive
          For those who don't know, I'm Malaysian and I'm facing SPM this year
          That shit is around the corner 
          So don't expect any updates in the next few months 
          Not that I've updated at all for the past year or so


I'm still alive somehow
          So updates will be extremely rare now since I'm preoccupied with an important upcoming exam at the end of this year and also a <5000 word story I'm working on for a competition 
          Now that we're on that topic tho, I've somehow managed to publish a book. It's called 'A Bounty for Love' and it's current on https://www.catherinekhoo.sg/estore/
          If you want something that isn't paid for there's a 1500 word short story I wrote for a competition on https://english.edu.my/yaa2023.html called "The Dragon and The Knight"
          So yeah that's about it. I'll try my best to update FuP but don't get your hopes up on that. Peace out ✌️


@ZuluIbnuAlTelor by <5000 words I meant a minimum of 5000 words


I am once again alive. After 2 years I think. so i was writing my draft for Furrs Und Panzer and...I just realised I didn't have a name for the school for the main cast. Currently on the school computer atm so I don't have much time anyways I need suggestions byeeeeee


Guess who's back once again
          Sorry for not publishing a new chapter for FuP like how I said I would last year. I got real, real lazy-
          Earlier this month I decided to try and update my draft which went smoothly at first. I soon realized that the book I use to write my drafts/chapter planning while I wasn't in possession of my phone went missing which delayed the process of draft updating. It took me a whole week to find my book and when I did, it smelled like piss. Some pages even had the color of piss. I suspect it was one of my cats that did it. It took me awhile to rewrite everything from that book to a new one.
          Tomorrow I've got exams so I doubt I'd be able continue with my draft but hopefully after my exams are done I'll be able to get at least a chapter out by the end of this month
          So anyways that's it for now, hopefully I won't get lazy again, toodles


So anyways here's a little teaser for the next two books of Furrs Und Panzer
          Volume 2: Furrs Und Panzer - For Arrezo High!
          Volume 3: Furrs Und Panzer- A glimmer of hope.
          (I decided to use "Und" instead of "And" cuz well... Furrs And Panzer shortened is FAP so..yeh-)
          I plan to make two more books after volume 2
          Fun fact, those two books will be related to volume 3
          Hopefully all 4 books will be out by 2025