
Alright, look, since @kosmic_collie would like to have this conversation over Wattpad instead of our private messages due to having me blocked, I'll make a post for all to see about my thoughts.
          	Dear Kosmic,
          	 I think you have worked yourself up again into a frenzy. You are blowing everything out of proportion and once again putting words in my mouth that I simply have never said.
          	 I am glad you're finding yourself and becoming who you truly want to be, and I have always told you that. But you truly don't understand the pain you have caused me and are actively causing me by posting slander without even talking with me first and trying to understand how I feel.
          	I need my time and space to heal from what we have gone through in the past. I've been beaten, burned, and bruised by you, and I still give you the benefit of the doubt and have sympathy for you. I want to help you be a better person, but not if it means I get hurt even more like I and constantly getting hurt right now.
          	I do hope you continue on your path and because the best at what you want to be. 
          	But please stop spreading rumors and lies about the words I have said to you. Because I have not said any of those things. 
          	I shouldn't have ghosted you for 2 weeks. I'll give you that much, but this being said, this should not be your reaction and outlashing at me because I just need time away from you.
          	Aqua The Chocolate Labrador
          	P.S. I still have no plans to block or unfriended or unfollow you because I do believe in you.


@Kosmic_Collie look it's clear you don't have anything nice to say about me with all the cursing going on in these comments please just stop so we can go our separate ways since that's what you want right now.


@Kosmic_Collie, why are you still commenting if you don't want to fix things?


Dear, Aqua
          I'm so sorry for all the trouble and pain ive caused you over the last few months. I should've never outlashed out my anger and pain onto you. And all those times you tired to help me, ive constantly bit you and scared to while giving you nothing in return.
          The pain I've hele onto for so long was miserable and depressing. I couldn't cry it out because i just thought just pushing forward would eventually wash it all away. But i realized it caused me nothing but Self hate, making me constantly neglect myself. And all those mistakes ive done in the past was no excuse to abuse you in such an unfair way. It was so childish and petty of me, taking your words that you never said to offend me and use against you, when you were only trying to help.
           All the bruises, cuts, and bites that i passed onto you was just so stupid of me thinking that yelling or avoiding drama would also resolve my pain as well. But that only gave me regret and even more pain. And every time we fought, I constantly break yourself and your mental health which I do regret everytime i look back and wonder why I even did in the first place. 
          You had every to heal yourself and to ghost me cause of it. But i was also concerned of you too. A simple hey or im healing from you  was all i needed from you... if you would've told me, i would've understood. But ghosting me only enraged me, which I really don't like that it feels like I just wasn't wanted or needed anymore. It honestly hurts more than if you were abusing me back the same way I did to you. If you wanna try and work this out again, we can, but im not forcing you.
           I dont know what else to say except this. 
          I promised you an art piece to make up my all the hurtful things I ever did to you. And I generally understand that if you don't wanna talk anymore, but i hope what imma about to give you us fresh start of healing yourself~
          Sincerely, Kosmic_collie 


@Kosmic_Collie I don't think that would be wise, but I am happy for you that you found someone to commission, and I hope you enjoy being a furry like I do.


@ZumaTheChoclateLab22 also do u wanna see how my fursona is coming along?


Alright, look, since @kosmic_collie would like to have this conversation over Wattpad instead of our private messages due to having me blocked, I'll make a post for all to see about my thoughts.
          Dear Kosmic,
           I think you have worked yourself up again into a frenzy. You are blowing everything out of proportion and once again putting words in my mouth that I simply have never said.
           I am glad you're finding yourself and becoming who you truly want to be, and I have always told you that. But you truly don't understand the pain you have caused me and are actively causing me by posting slander without even talking with me first and trying to understand how I feel.
          I need my time and space to heal from what we have gone through in the past. I've been beaten, burned, and bruised by you, and I still give you the benefit of the doubt and have sympathy for you. I want to help you be a better person, but not if it means I get hurt even more like I and constantly getting hurt right now.
          I do hope you continue on your path and because the best at what you want to be. 
          But please stop spreading rumors and lies about the words I have said to you. Because I have not said any of those things. 
          I shouldn't have ghosted you for 2 weeks. I'll give you that much, but this being said, this should not be your reaction and outlashing at me because I just need time away from you.
          Aqua The Chocolate Labrador
          P.S. I still have no plans to block or unfriended or unfollow you because I do believe in you.


@Kosmic_Collie look it's clear you don't have anything nice to say about me with all the cursing going on in these comments please just stop so we can go our separate ways since that's what you want right now.


@Kosmic_Collie, why are you still commenting if you don't want to fix things?


"For every lie you tell, you incur a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt must be paid" - Valery Legasov


@ZumaFanboys Yeah! I loved that show so much it was really eye opening


@ZumaTheChoclateLab22 From Chernobyl right,i liked that part


Goodbye Is The Easiest And Hardest Thing To Say. Be Grateful For The Moments You Have With Those You Care For.


Hey Everyone, Happy to report that I have begun writing my next Chapter For Rough Waters. Sorry, the holiday season has been rough.


@ZumaTheChoclateLab22 Alrighty,take your time dude, you really need it :)


@ZumaFanboys I think you'll really like my next set of chapters than I've been planning out a lot, which has taken some time, and to make sure the action is fun as well


@ZumaTheChoclateLab22 hey,its been a long time since u posted this update,i just wanna say happy late new year dude,hopefully more to come to see from you