Call me frog
They/them pronouns please :)
Buy Kidna: Instant Kidnap ™ here! Just add "P" for instant kidnapping supplies. Only $9.99! To buy, go into the conversations tab, tag me, and ask to buy!
Instructions on how to use Kidna: Instant Kidnap ™.
1. Pour Kidna: Instant Kidnap ™ into a kiddie pool.
2. Add "P" to kiddie pool.
3. Mix until there are no chunks.
4. Do the chicken dance while standing in the kiddie pool.
5. Say "I am a bouncy baby" after doing the chicken dance.
6. Enjoy your new kidnapping supplies 😊
Note: "P" not included.
- The cupboard under the stairs
- DołączyłJune 5, 2021
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