
Here's a bit about us
          	kay so, we're 18 so at least be 16+ before trying to reach out to us❤️ but can be 15+ if just plantonic or needing/Wanting a babysitter um we are a system I have been diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder but my system is pretty small(10+ but less than 15 alters)(that I'm aware of..) there a few littles in the system(3) but mainly soothers/caretakers(6) and there's a few more who doesn't fit but myself(host) im 18 and I'm trans masc pre transition I love reading and writing I also do some drawling and painting I'm also horrible at writing/sleeping/English but I do enjoy it so please don't mind those mistakes in my writing I also love astrology and rocks I love collecting things to! Also if you become my littles and or cgs if your my little we love getting things from you(as in worksheets you did/coloring pages) if you would like most of us like to make a schedule for our little as we know we may not always be able to respond so we don't want our littles to be afraid they have nothing to do we enjoy giving our littles worksheets and coloring pages and would love to do movie nights and we like having multiple littles aswell as doing calls and making things with our littles we will set rules,and small punishments if needed which is not a have to it's if the little wants we are also looking for a cg for our littles which they don't come out much since it's hard to get them to if they have no one to help my next chapter will be about who will be cgs<3


@Zurey8 erm, I am 17. Are you still looking? 


Here's a bit about us
          kay so, we're 18 so at least be 16+ before trying to reach out to us❤️ but can be 15+ if just plantonic or needing/Wanting a babysitter um we are a system I have been diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder but my system is pretty small(10+ but less than 15 alters)(that I'm aware of..) there a few littles in the system(3) but mainly soothers/caretakers(6) and there's a few more who doesn't fit but myself(host) im 18 and I'm trans masc pre transition I love reading and writing I also do some drawling and painting I'm also horrible at writing/sleeping/English but I do enjoy it so please don't mind those mistakes in my writing I also love astrology and rocks I love collecting things to! Also if you become my littles and or cgs if your my little we love getting things from you(as in worksheets you did/coloring pages) if you would like most of us like to make a schedule for our little as we know we may not always be able to respond so we don't want our littles to be afraid they have nothing to do we enjoy giving our littles worksheets and coloring pages and would love to do movie nights and we like having multiple littles aswell as doing calls and making things with our littles we will set rules,and small punishments if needed which is not a have to it's if the little wants we are also looking for a cg for our littles which they don't come out much since it's hard to get them to if they have no one to help my next chapter will be about who will be cgs<3


@Zurey8 erm, I am 17. Are you still looking? 