
I learn something new today(v_v), and that is that we all try to be a good decent human being although it comes out like a crappp of heII. We want to strike towards our goals yet end up losing the win. Its ok. Your forgiven mom. Your tactics dont fit with my era and that fustrates me, you fustrate me. But i can never hate u. Dont get the wrong idea.-


Can you read my fics and tell me what you think of them.


@theInquisitor1 inquisitior beals is me


I learn something new today(v_v), and that is that we all try to be a good decent human being although it comes out like a crappp of heII. We want to strike towards our goals yet end up losing the win. Its ok. Your forgiven mom. Your tactics dont fit with my era and that fustrates me, you fustrate me. But i can never hate u. Dont get the wrong idea.-


Honestly u guys! Im in the mixture of disapointed, angry, and upset(^_^')! Yesturday my mom and i haded a convo that turn into a somewhat huge disapointment! When in the time of need when i come to her with a big deal of moral support, she goes and make it into something to laugh about and not in the way u think(^_^) Its more of an insult cause it diesnt effect her:|. Well im done with going to her for some sort of emotional support cause she will never understand/help. Shes alway been this way, and i just cant\_(b_d)_/


Aw thanks for following me, fellow Merlin fan. Here's a cheeky follow in return


@ZxEllieMillerxZ that's okay i was planning to set one up anyway, i just hasn't got round to it <3 Ah great minds think like, I've already looked at a load of your stories :-P


@Too_crazy_for_lies Awww lol;)! You dont have 2 silly! If u r planning to make one, do it for yourself not for some nerdy nerd like mexD! I have some Merthur fics in my reading list, u can check it out if some of them u havent red yet;P!


@ZxEllieMilleexZ it definitely does. I'll have to make a merlin reading list to share the stories I've found with you


Thank you very much for following me! It's kind of you :)


@ZxEllieMillerxZ  private messaging sounds good to me! Don't worry. Take your time :)


@Nighttime-words Oh lolxD! Your a pretty cool person, i like that:)! But btw, even though ur perswaysive argument is intreeging(^~*), i have to say that i follow my own rules, not wat society/universe might dictate;3! We should talk sometime(^~^), how about private messaging later? Im kinda busy right now, but ill like to have all the funny/weird conversation later on:)? Does that sound cool(>_<)?


@ZxEllieMillerxZ if you cannot control it, comply with it, then.
            The universe only sends the signs which most need to be listened to ;)