
Soon, I will conduct what I call "The Condensing" I have many accounts, with intricate fake relations, and soon they will all merge. All but one accounts actions will cease, and the best books I've written will be transferred from all my accounts to just one... After I tie up loose ends, Zylver dust, Brawnze dust, Gulldd dust, and Luna dust will cease activity and transfer to AmberCJ5


Soon, I will conduct what I call "The Condensing" I have many accounts, with intricate fake relations, and soon they will all merge. All but one accounts actions will cease, and the best books I've written will be transferred from all my accounts to just one... After I tie up loose ends, Zylver dust, Brawnze dust, Gulldd dust, and Luna dust will cease activity and transfer to AmberCJ5


if you're a follower of Zylver, your a Slyph. (Zylver sounds like silv sounds like sylph, which means wind fairy in some language)
          if your a follower of Brawnze, your a Zena. (random letters from his name)
          if your a follower of Gulld, your an Aro. ( first three letters of his personality)
          if you follow any of us, your a miner. (as in someone who goes in a cave searching for ores such as silver, bronze, and gold)


@Zylver we have a new category! My daughter, luna, has gotten on wattpad. If you follow luna dust, your a nalu! (Her name written wierd)


Hey Sylphs! if you guys have read my best fan shorts, you know I'm still waiting for contenders. if you wanna have me write a story about a certain hero or a certain plot, go ahead and do one of the two conditions. 
          BUT my patience is running low, so I figured if I don't have someone who fulfills one of the conditions in a week, I'm gonna write random stories and dedicate them to my followers. just saying.


@Zylver I have stopped the contest due to lack of replies,


First Event! - Star!
          Prize : a short, based on your ideas, dedicated to you!
          Conditions: Only ten people can win. How to win is left blank.
          The shorts will be posted in the book : Best Fan Shorts (by Zylver)