
I'm back if anyone whats to talk my pms are open again


I finished writing the fan fic...its not super long and its got lots of time skips, I just need to edit it. Would you guys be interested in reading it even if you don't watch criminal minds? Basically all you need to know before hand is that they work in the FBI and there's only one minor spoiler


Hey! I'm writing a fanfiction? I've never done that before lol so bear with me. I'm only releasing chapters if y'all want me to. And be warned, they're not vv good 


@-GreysonTolliver- it's so good!! im on season 5 of 15 lol


If you're dealing with any mental illness I would really recommend checking out the musical Next to Normal. It's about a woman with bipolar disorder with major depressive episodes, but it really seems like it should help you find at least a little bit of hope for any mental disorder.


fine. if you're going to ignore me i'll ignore you too. 


@Queenofgames123 thank you for asking, not really. There's just this one person who is ignoring me for no reason, but I'll be fine in a bit