Hello everyone
This may be the last announcement I post. But I just want to say thank you to all of you. Most of you have been so kind to me, you talked to me when no one else would. You don't know how much that means to me. I am a very shy person, I'm afraid of the world, I'm afraid to speak up about things. In fear people won't take me seriously, or will just ignore me. My anxiety filled days seem to be getting worse. Every day just seems to be repeating itself. And I feel the world has stopped spinning sometimes. As I sit there holding in my fear, and anger. People mistreat me, without realizing it mostly.
But I sit and think, all of you have been so kind to me, I'm not afraid to talk to any of you, I know you'll be kind and help me out.
I feel okay when I'm "speaking" to you. I don't feel that intense fear that I do with everyone else. Even with my closest friends, I fear I'll do or say something stupid, but here I feel alright. It means more than you know
I hope you all have wonderful and fulfilled lives. I hope the world treats each and every one of you with the kindness you've shown me. I know the world can be a terrible place sometimes, and you just want to curl up in your covers and hide. But if there's one thing I've learned, its that there is good in this world. Its not all toxic people, judging eyes and fear, it can be filled with kindness and love. You will find it I promise!
If you actually read all of this, first of all wow, and second of all thank you for taking the time. It means a lot. Farewell everyone! I may be on every now and then, and maybe not, we'll see. I appreciate all of you! Goodbye everyone! And again, thank you! :D