
Hey Bast! How are you?


@_-Bast-_ Uh-oh, what's she doing? There aren't any scorpions targeting us, right?! *He'd look around frightened*


@_-CarterKane-_ We're good, we're good. I'm missing you two a lot, but everything's fine. Though Serqet's causing some trouble...


@_-Bast-_ How's Ra? And the rest of the gods? *Hugs back*


Hi, Bast. Merry Christmas. *hands you a hundred cans of Friskies and some catnip*


@_-Sadie-Kane-_ Hi, Sadie! Merry Christmas to you too! *ruffles your hair* Ooh! Nice. Thank youuu! Okay, here you go... *throws a leather coat at you* So you can flirt with Walt and make him uncomfortable :)


Hi Ella ! 
          I'll help you to find out prophecies, if you want ; everything in poetry is my business ! 


@ _-EllaTheHarpy-_  
            Thank you, Ella ! Apollo can be such a jerk when he's inspired ! 
            See you next week ! Thursday ? 


@_-ISpeakInProse-_ Ella agrees, she is also kind of busy until next week. Good luck with Apollo!


@ _-EllaTheHarpy-_  
            Hum... I'll go to the Half Blood Camp next week, to see my girls, so maybe we could work then ? Not before, cause I'm helping Apollo writing a new theater piece ! 