Hi uhmm I hope this is not an inappropriate question (you don‘t have to answer of course) But uhmm this therian stuff (sorry I don‘t know how to call it TwT) is like, that you uhh „feel“ like an animal, or that you think you‘re an animal, or is it like pet regression/pet headspace? Cuz I‘ve always asked myself this and wondered (again, you don‘t have to answer, and I don‘t mean any disrespect, I‘m just really curious)
@_-Bones-_ ahh alright Cuz uhm like some of my friends said it was like actually believing you‘re an animal? Like I guess you could say trans, justbinstead of identifying as a boy/girl/enby you identify as an animal Thanks so much for the answer and no worries that was a great explanation!
@Black_manic_beauty so being a therian is kind of like a feeling. a feeling that you were an animal in a past life and you connect to that animal, weather it be emotional, physical, or mentally. sometimes, you could feel animal like urges. ex; feeling the urge to hunt an animal you see in your yard if your a canine animal or if the animal has wings you might get some urges to fly through the sky or some fantises of growing wings. also don't worry!! it wasn't an inappropriate question ^w^. I'm not too good at explaining things but I hope this helped!!