
((New Sage))
          	Sage was at the training arena with a practice dummy, only it was completely destroyed. She used two metal batons, she also had changed her looks. Her hair was shoulder length and choppy, and she dyed the top of her hair blue and left the brown parts on the bottom. She hadn't told her family yet that she was back, she finished training and looked around for anyone she knew.


@rp_galaxy “That's good. Anything happen lately?@


((New Sage))
          Sage was at the training arena with a practice dummy, only it was completely destroyed. She used two metal batons, she also had changed her looks. Her hair was shoulder length and choppy, and she dyed the top of her hair blue and left the brown parts on the bottom. She hadn't told her family yet that she was back, she finished training and looked around for anyone she knew.


@rp_galaxy “That's good. Anything happen lately?@


((Hey... Um.... Been a month and a day huh? Whoopsie. I'm back, active as of tomorrow. Sorry for the whole poof, death does that to you. So does injury. But I'm all healed up and somewhat okay with the death. Ready to rp again. Any news since I've been gone? Other than whatever the official account is going through right now, trying to stay away, it's confusing. But sup))


((Me: oh, yeah, I’m afraid of needles 
          Friend: but your diabetic.
          Me: ...and?
          Friend: That’s like illegal, you can’t be diabetic and afraid of needles, that’s like a swimmer afraid of the water!
          Me: I can still be afraid of needles, yes I must give them to myself but I’m still not a fan. I do it because without them I could die. I’m human, I can be afraid of things that are keeping me alive. Just because I have to give them doesn’t mean I don’t feel fear, I just do it because I have to. Without it I could die. So it’s death or face my fears. Diabetics are people too, we aren’t just creatures who stab ourselves with needles. ))


@-RecklessR0ckClimber They probably don’t want to have that life but it is how they live and don’t want others to suffer how they do, hopefully. Can’t speak for everyone but my experiences. I didn’t want it, but my other option is death that would probably not be the way I want to go, so I deal with the things I am afraid of and I don’t wish it upon others


            Oof. Several of my friends have diabetes and have to stab themselves all the time.


@-RecklessR0ckClimber I’d ask to switch lives but I wouldn’t curse this upon anyone


((Y’all, guess who's admin bought themselves a sword. And guess which said sword is over 5’7 aka height of admins brother))


@1-800-BIANCA ((I never would.))


@_-LilSage-_ //Don't even try with a small one//


Based on a true story
          You hear a distant sound of sirens in the background as you look out into the deserted street. Strange, you think, I live in the heart of the city, there's always at least one person out and about, plus it's Sunday and there are three churches on my street. There's not even a soul walking or driving by, but you look closely at the road, and you see it, sitting there in all its glory. There's a tennis ball in the road!