
Chessie is finished! I'm sorry for announcing so late! (And I'm really sorry for not writing for long periods of time). I'm going to focus on my school stuff for a while, but I'm sure a story idea will pop into my head at some point! Thank you to those who read Chessie!


@_-Nighty_Night-_ Good job!! I can't wait to finish reading it :)


Chessie is finished! I'm sorry for announcing so late! (And I'm really sorry for not writing for long periods of time). I'm going to focus on my school stuff for a while, but I'm sure a story idea will pop into my head at some point! Thank you to those who read Chessie!


@_-Nighty_Night-_ Good job!! I can't wait to finish reading it :)


Where did you go  your books are so good i need more updates lol (Good job on the writing, you're extremely talented)


You're welcome!!


I’m sorry!!!!! I’ll get to writing as soon as I can! 
            And thank you so much! :)