
Toying with the idea of coming back to rp in the near future! If you’re interested drop a message here or send me a comment in the “Notes” page of my RP book and I’ll try to get back to you. Also any old role plays anyone might like to continue let me know and we can exchange discords to talk about it! 


Toying with the idea of coming back to rp in the near future! If you’re interested drop a message here or send me a comment in the “Notes” page of my RP book and I’ll try to get back to you. Also any old role plays anyone might like to continue let me know and we can exchange discords to talk about it! 


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Everyone wants to be a main character until they realize the main character really goes through the most shit just so the writers can keep the plot interesting. And personally, I'm going to fire my writing team cause this shit is just borderline on unrealistic. I'm so fucking exhausted.


@_-SongBird-_ I can say I’m tired as much as I want but I mean a hell of a lot more than just wanting to sleep


Getting my back tattoo done and all we've done is the outline, I'm gonna die 


@serenadeofblue musical butterfly, I posted it in a book 


what did you get?? 


@serenadeofblue it looks phenomenal, it was so worth it 


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I feel like I'm literally falling apart even though everything should be okay and I legitimately do not know wtf is wrong with me. Someone genuinely help. I can't talk to my friends my therapist has no idea what she's doing and I feel like no one wants me around I'm trauma dumping on fucking wattpad and I literally don't even know why. Literally nothing anyone I don't know can say to make me feel better but I'm at a dead end and I don't know what the hell to do about it. 


I kind of want to do a role play involving a child or like pregnancy resulting from a one night stand kind of situation. idk why it just feels interesting in the moment PM me if you're interested


@_-SongBird-_ I’m going to say yes, so am I 


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I'm finally home and I can finally relax, for those of you that don't know I was stranded about 2 hours away from home with a shit to the boxes and no car. I was supposed to be on a week long vacation that obviously got cut but I'm back home now and I can relax and get to replies in a bit. If you see this and you're waiting on a reply go ahead and tag me so I know to get to them all.