
Hey kings, queens and non-binary royalty!
          	I'm so freaking sorry! I couldn't write a single word during last week since I was at our campsite and I don't have like ANY internet there.
          	I wanted to upload the story during last week, but I couldn't and that makes me sad. I missed writing and reading your comments so much, so please forgive me for not saying anything about me not being able to upload the story soon.
          	But I will get back to writing today, and I have so many Ideas that gathered in my head during last week I don't know which one to use.
          	I may make a story with sexual content, but just MAYBE since I still don't know if you are comfortable with reading such.
          	If I really do that the story probably won't be based on a song.
          	I have one thing left to tell you, then I'll be writing:
          	You can suggest as many songs as you want, whenever you want and as often as you want. There's no limit, just so you know that you don't have to decide on one or two songs.
          	Hope y'all are doing well, have a good morning/day/night!


i hope we get along well


this girl here is my friend @bakugou_kinji




@bakugou_kinji me too and I promise I won't hurt her!


hope we get along


Hey kings, queens and non-binary royalty!
          I'm so freaking sorry! I couldn't write a single word during last week since I was at our campsite and I don't have like ANY internet there.
          I wanted to upload the story during last week, but I couldn't and that makes me sad. I missed writing and reading your comments so much, so please forgive me for not saying anything about me not being able to upload the story soon.
          But I will get back to writing today, and I have so many Ideas that gathered in my head during last week I don't know which one to use.
          I may make a story with sexual content, but just MAYBE since I still don't know if you are comfortable with reading such.
          If I really do that the story probably won't be based on a song.
          I have one thing left to tell you, then I'll be writing:
          You can suggest as many songs as you want, whenever you want and as often as you want. There's no limit, just so you know that you don't have to decide on one or two songs.
          Hope y'all are doing well, have a good morning/day/night!


i hope we get along well


this girl here is my friend @bakugou_kinji


Hey kings, queens and non-binary royalty!
          I just wanted to tell you that I finally uploaded the first story that I announced a week ago. Sorry it took so long for me to finish, I had a lot of things going on.
          But It's finally out, here's a link to the book if you are interested:
          Have fun if you decide to read it. ^^
          Hope y'all are doing well, have a good morning/day/night!
          Thank you for supporting me by following me and eventually reading my story.^^


Hey guys,
          I don't know how many of you are actually reading this and/or waiting for me to post the first song-based oneshot/story I announced.
          I just wanted to let you know that I have some exams for which I really should learn, which is why I can only write small parts each day. I only have about 3700 words by now, but I'm working on it.
          I hope to have it ready by next week, but I can't make any promises.
          Sorry for the long wait!
          It's currently 10:51pm where I am, so I'm gonna catch up on some missed out sleep. (I don't have lack of sleep because of the writing, I sometimes just can't sleep because I have too much things going on in my head)
          I hope y'all are doing well! ^^
          Have a good morning/day/night y'all!
          Thank you for supporting me by following me!
          Yukine/SpicyMochi ^^