
My cousin is tryna find me— Im scared LMAO


"It is time to wake up now, escapist, 
          And see with open eyes.
          For dreams can be amazing,
          But reality does not disguise.
          So open your eyes and see,
          The world in all its wonder.
          For every colour, animal and dream,
          Is found right here down under."
          A new community in your area! 
          If it's not a hassle, please do go through the hiring book!


Sometimes whenever i read a book and it has a painful ending, I didnt like it. And in my years(kidding im still 16 T-T) of reading, this has been the third ending i do not like cause of the pain it had
          (Hi to my friends who still remember me wassup? I am alive)


Huff u so aesthetic 


< @hyxciinth02 :: why was i summoned-


            I'm sorri- my aesthetics are weird :') This one and my other acc @dark_ski3s is by @-httmi_Nari- // @-chxrry_sungji- and my main @_En-cityy is by @-N30JA3M :3 (N30JA3M also has a theme shop going on if you'd like(there's also a bio shop made by @caratzenteenct too-)) (I'm just flexing my friends' skills-) 


Okay- wait- lmao- if ya'll haven't realized by now- I play otome games- jykskskkd
          The ones I play so far are Obey Me and Tears of Themis-. And idrk if Twisted Wonderland is considered as an otome game but whatever- (Istg they need to release an English version of the game) :D (don't dislike me for that pls-) 


@hyxciinth02 oooh I've watched the anime to obey me, but I've never played the game. might as well start. also, I happened to find out about twisted wonderland after seeing the cover of once upon a dream by silver, so I might try that out as well.