
I’m back 


@_-Renesmee-_ *smiles* okay lets go back to the woods and I’ll teach you to hunt, maybe then you’ll find you’re power


          	  "Yes" She replied eagerly 


@_-Renesmee-_ hmm well do you wanna learn something new I could teach you


Jake were did nessie go I haven't been able to track her scent? Jasper says


@SexyDallySalvatore She’s here but she’s also not.. it’s her but it isn’t.. 


【☆You look in the mirror and see yourself, but really, it's not you at all. I mean, there's your eyes and your nose, and your cute little smile, but that's not all there is to you. Because your not seeing the amount of lives you've touched with your presence. Your not seeing all the people you've made smile and laugh. Your not seeing how strong you are. In fact, all the battles you've overcome are completely invisible when you look in the mirror, hidden beneath your outside features. So, my darling, listen to me when I say that: you are not as simple as a reflection. You are complex, wonderful and something brilliant that a mirror simply does not have the capability to show. It's only showing one tree in the forest, one star in a galaxy, one grain of sand at a beach. And you are so much more than that. Please believe it.☆】


I’m back 


@_-Renesmee-_ *smiles* okay lets go back to the woods and I’ll teach you to hunt, maybe then you’ll find you’re power


            "Yes" She replied eagerly 


@_-Renesmee-_ hmm well do you wanna learn something new I could teach you


We need vultori accounts for twilight, please pm me or @_-BellaCullen-_ for more details or you plan to make an account to join, we need a lot of ppl still along with; Edward, emmet, Carlisle & werewolves