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Do u still go on here? Cause I wanted to tell ya that I had a dream that Cinder didn't really kill Levana. The queen used a glamour on someone to seem like it was here. Then we bitch kidnapped and killed Cinder and you ended up marrying Levana bcause she looked And acted like Cinder. Then one day you wake.up before.her and c its Levana and scream and guards come.in and are about to Kill her when she says "I only killed Selene bcause I had a crush on you and you were obsessed with her. And it was a good way to get revenge." You had them shoot her. (Figures) Then you cried for literal 5hours! Cause Cinder is dead And you didnt know. And you've been married to Levana for awhile. I woke up crying cause you were sad, Cinder was dead, and Levana lived longer than the war. (I wish she was dead by the time u were born tho...) ❤