
Sorry for not being active recently. I've just been very stressed over school work, family issues and some other stuff. But hopefully I can be a bit more active. Have a nice day!


Bruh I'm in online class and this random dude asked me for my number. I asked him why and he said because he wants to talk. I say yeah okay! But I really quickly flash my gay pride flag and this man straight up says "oh nevermind" XD he really thought- fhuehdhduduaour8xh-im dying rn.


@-BEETLEFANBOY but ay I respect them shooting these shot lmao 


@_2ManyFandoms XD what a story lol. 


@_2ManyFandoms so i look kind of like a guy and kind of androgynous and kind of like a girl but this stupid straight dude asked for my number on private chat thinking i was a girl and proceeded to call me girl so i just said “bold of you to assume that i’m a girl” and he went
            ... “so you have a pp”
            i just said yes and turned back to the normal zoom chat it was wild


I'm sad. I want to complain about my queer struggles but all my friends are straight. `~` 


@_2ManyFandoms that's nice! And thank you because now that I think of it there is someone like that. :)


@_2ManyFandoms My friend is the same. But she talks to me, (straight but supportive) try finding someone like that in your friend group :)


Does anyone want to see some of my art? It's not very good but other people are posting theres.


@_2ManyFandoms thank you.  I'll get right to making one :)


@_2ManyFandoms I would love to see some!