2024 is coming to an end boys, i really thank you all for supporting me all this way...even if this year i only managed to finish "Dance of Death" but still, im really thankful yall have been enjoying this things my brain comes up with, even if i do this as a hobby, never thought to reach this far, Lost magatama (TheMusashi Fic) still has a loooooong way to go, most probably it will end in March of 2025, also i writed ideas of future fanfics im planning to do, i hope this year and the next ones i can be able to keep writing them, since my only worry now is college but outside of that, i do enjoy writing this type of things, im not planning to retire until i´ve writed completely every single one of them ideas i have, (Unnecesary lore coming ahead) I basically decided to begin this thanks to a phrase i saw in a fic i liked it was "If you don´t see the content you like, then make it" from there, my brain still plans, day dreams and imagines lots of moments for different fics i plan, even if im writing one, the ideas still come (End of unecesary lore) Lost magatama reached 4k readings, and i thank you all guys, hope your goals for 2025 can be done, and i hope i can still cook more of this stories to all of you guys.
To whoever is reading, Hope you have a good day/Afternoon/night and a Great New Year