
Thinking about writing a story involving One D and mah sisters and the story may have special guests like Shawn Mendez and 5 SOS. Is anybody interested? I need a plot though can't think of one. FML


          Hey guys so uh yeah In Love with My Kidnapper| L.P Story & Diary of a Kidnapper's Helper are both coming to an end soon. Sorry if you like the story and want to it progress to be like 40 Chapters long, but i only wrote this for fun. Not So Bad was a story i wanted to put effort into, these two not so much. It started with an idea and i wrote about it. Ideas come and go and for those stories to be inspired by one song and have about 20 chapters each, makes me feel like i did good. So again sorry stories won't be longer but I feel it's the right thing to do. I hope you guys respect my decision.


OH MY JOSH!!!!!! I'M LITERALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW!!!!! ON MY STORY NOT SO BAD (NSB); 5.882% OF MY READERS ARE IN CANADA, 6.667% IS IN GERMANY, 7.143% IS IN IRELAND, 11.765% IS IN INDIA, AND 5.882% IS IN SOUTH AFRICA!!! GUYS IF YOU ARE TELLING YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS STORY AND THEY'RE READING IT AND TELLING PEOPLE PLEASE TELL ME!!! I WOULD LOVE TO THANK Y'ALL ON HELPING THIS STORY GET AROUND THE WORLD!! NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I EVEN IMAGINE A STORY GETTING 1K VIEWS AND TO SEE PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD ARE READING IT!!!?? AMAZING!! THANK ALL OF YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THE STORY AND SORRY UPDATES ARE SLOW I GOT PRACTICE AND HOMEWORK EVERYDAY BUT I'M DOING MY BEST I PROMISE!! I guess that's all i have to say and seriously i cant be happier than right now guys thank you! and to my fans that read my books: Do you guys want a fan/group name? if so drop me messages and comments and i'll choose :) Thanks again you guys love y'all bunches!! and In Love with My Kidnapper (ILwMK) will be updated tomorrow hopefully and so will I Love You So Much (ILYSM)


@_5sos_1d_fan_ congrats!
            are they fans ?


Well guys to all of you that like Not So Bad i'm sorry to say I have no more chapters written for it. NO IT IS NOT OVER! I just haven't wrote any chapters yet and when this book is finished I will start the second one. It may be a VERY long while until I update again but i'll try to get it up as soon as I can. Love you guys and THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR 467 VIEWS AND 62 VOTES!!!! :) <3


Thank you guys SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much on 357 views and 51 votes. I never imagined you guys liking this story so much. This is truly amazing and i'm very happy that all you guys are enjoying it. Uhmm I hope to get chapter 25 up tonight and I dont know if you guys noticed but Chapter 24 and Louis' B-Day is the 24th of December ;) I'm so clever! Anyway and GUYS! I HAVE 8 OR LESS CHAPTERS TO WRITE AND THEN MY NOTEBOOK WILL BE PUT ON MY BOOKSHELF!! Again love you guys and keep them views and votes going up baby!