
Im so excited to be updating tomorrow. I haven't updated in forever and I do not even know what Im going to write yet, but I will be writing something worthy of this wait.


I am completely in love with Lavish Life I had to binge read just to get the end and no next chapter PLEASE UPDATE I'm going to go crazy over this book Lol but for real you are an amazing writer


Thank you so much! I hope the ending isn't too bad to you lol. Thanks for supporting and loving the book as much as I did! 


Hope you're still waiting for that ending! 


Is Lavish Life finished?


@_QueenKae_ No. I could lie and write about how busy I've been, and although that is true, I do have time to write, but Im at a different place with Lavish Life. I've grown as a writer and I just hate some of the things I wrote already. I am going to give you guys an ending soon on Wattpad and then a finished, polished, published book soon. Thank you for still being interested in LL! That means so much to me. You'd never know.