
So like people still try interacting with this account and I feel awful because I haven't touch it in forever as Ace_After_Dak is where everything is at
          	But like should I come back to this account?
          	Or would starting over be a better idea?
          	I just genuinely feel bad for the people popping up here with no idea that I've not been on this account forever 


          	  Your choice :) 
          	  Either way, what really matters is that you're a nice person that's a decent human being 
          	  We'll still be here supporting you because we love you because you're such a great person ^^


Sjsjjsjsbs why am I still stupid?
          	  Anyways this is the account I'm active on for you lazy bun because "Ace_After_Dak" isn't a thing and I just have zero brain cells


this message may be offensive
account in forever****
          	  Still a dumbass though so-


So like people still try interacting with this account and I feel awful because I haven't touch it in forever as Ace_After_Dak is where everything is at
          But like should I come back to this account?
          Or would starting over be a better idea?
          I just genuinely feel bad for the people popping up here with no idea that I've not been on this account forever 


            Your choice :) 
            Either way, what really matters is that you're a nice person that's a decent human being 
            We'll still be here supporting you because we love you because you're such a great person ^^


Sjsjjsjsbs why am I still stupid?
            Anyways this is the account I'm active on for you lazy bun because "Ace_After_Dak" isn't a thing and I just have zero brain cells


this message may be offensive
account in forever****
            Still a dumbass though so-


Hey, this account has lowkey been dead so Imma just let y'all know I'm way more active on Ace_After_Dark as of recent in case anyone cared but yeah that's all-


            I haven't been on main a h o t minute my bad fam 


@_Ace_In_The_Hole damn, should've told me that so i could follow you my g u y


Random question but like does anyone else have freckles on their fingers? 
          I'm genuinely curious as I have one on my pointer on my left hand then one on my pinkie and ring on my right if anyone cared


            Yeah, I mean I have some on my fingers but I guess I'm just special because no one else I know or am related to have freckles on their fingers. 


@_Ace_In_The_Hole wait, they can exist on people's finger?? wHAT


this message may be offensive
Scrambles opening is fucking flawless I prefer to over Royal and I dare anyone to fight me-
          Also just saying I'm forward for it more than Royal because Sophia wasn't shoved in my face by the fandom or Atlus like Kasumi was-----


            Persona 5 Scramble which everyone assumes is the true second installment of Persona 5 from some of the recent trailers that have been dropping.
            I meant to put Scramble's but I'm a big dummy- 


this message may be offensive
Oh shit I made a shitposting account for my Mia/Akira shit-
          Feel free to stalk me there bois, idrk what Imma post there but Imma do shit there I swear.


Okay listen I know its gonna be Mia/Akira content but like I'm stupid 


Anyone else ever read The Traitor's Kiss by Erin Beaty because Im not even done but I can safely say its my favorite book by far and I also like really want to aggressively rant to someone about it


            It’s rather surprising what we can find in a school’s library.  I’ll try to look it up and if I’m lucky enough, I should be able to find it. 


            I hadn't heard of it either till I found it in my school's library, I originally got just because I need something to read for class. But I'm so glad I got it. Hell I didn't get finish it before Christmas break came along so I ended up begging my parents to get it from me for Christmas and I'm now trying to see if I can get the next two books, The Traitor's Ruin and The Traitor's Kingdom, for my birthday because I'm beyond invested in this series uwu


@_Ace_In_The_Hole I've never heard of it. It sounds pretty good, though, I'll try to check it out.


My study halls are always hella slow because I have no friends and I don't have any work- 


@_Ace_In_The_Hole you just describe every classes that existed in school.


            — my math and lab bio classes are slow too-