
Okay, guys. Comin' at ya with a bit of an update.
          	As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been on a bit of a hiatus from writing. Well, I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be getting back into the swing of things! Just....not with my Red vs Blue books.
          	Now don't worry, I'll still be finishing my RvB series at some point. I've put too much work into those and have too much planned to just completely abandon them. But my focus just isn't there for them right now, and I wanna make sure I'm putting out quality content. So until I'm able to zero back in on them, my RvB books are on hold.
          	For now, my focus will be shifting to working on a Hazbin Hotel book! HH is currently where my interest has been pulled, and I have lots of ideas I'd like to flesh out. Specifically with creating my own versions of the characters' origin stories!
          	With that, the stage is set...so stay tuned. {Insert wicked Alastor laugh}


Okay, guys. Comin' at ya with a bit of an update.
          As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been on a bit of a hiatus from writing. Well, I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be getting back into the swing of things! Just....not with my Red vs Blue books.
          Now don't worry, I'll still be finishing my RvB series at some point. I've put too much work into those and have too much planned to just completely abandon them. But my focus just isn't there for them right now, and I wanna make sure I'm putting out quality content. So until I'm able to zero back in on them, my RvB books are on hold.
          For now, my focus will be shifting to working on a Hazbin Hotel book! HH is currently where my interest has been pulled, and I have lots of ideas I'd like to flesh out. Specifically with creating my own versions of the characters' origin stories!
          With that, the stage is set...so stay tuned. {Insert wicked Alastor laugh}


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I just realized I've taken a bit of an unintentional break from writing my RvB stuff. I've been caught up in a lot of Hazbin Hotel content lately (if you haven't watched it, I HIGHLY recommend it, it's SO FUCKING GOOD and the songs are absolute BANGERS). I've been caught in Discord servers with a lot of people that revolve around the show, and it's been taking a lot of my free time. But never fear! I will get back into my RvB content soon!


Alright, comin' at ya with a bit of a content update. Again.
          I remember some time ago, in one of my various other updates, I recall mentioning that I wouldn't be making an entire book based off RvB Zero. If I remember right, I believe I said something along the lines of, "Bless the mess that was that season, but I just can't bring myself to dedicate a whole book to it". If it wasn't obvious by now, I have changed my mind. 
          I have now published the place holder for "Overhaul", the new Book 7 of my RvB series. Which means "Preservation" is now Book 8. I'm gonna have an EIGHT FREAKING BOOK SERIES, guys! That's both exciting and terrifying. But it's a fun challenge that I'm looking forward to tackling. And I hope you'll all join me for the ride.
          But until we get there, go ahead and keep up with me in "Isolated", as well as check out "Resurrection" and "Assault"!
          See you in the pages!


Hey, everyone! Comin' at ya with a bit of an update on things. I wanna first start off by saying a late Happy New Year! I hope everyone's holidays were great and that the start of 2024 has been treating everyone well. But since we're now into 2024, I wanted to provide a bit of an outline as to where I'm currently at and where things will (hopefully) be going this year with my books!
          -I'm almost to the halfway point of "Isolated" (yay!), and I hope to have the next couple chapters out very soon
          -I would like to try to start updating at least once a week. I can't make a guarantee on this (I tend to get very busy), but that's my goal
          -I plan on getting "Isolated" finished up within the first part of this year
          -Once "Isolated" is complete, I will immediately be moving on to "Catalyst"
          -As far as my Dragon Quest book goes, that one will most likely be on hold until I complete my RvB series (sorry to anyone who was looking forward to that book)
          -Depending on how quickly I finish "Isolated" and work on "Catalyst", I want to start drafting chapters for the rest of my RvB books (I always start getting the itch to work on the next one when I'm almost done with the one I'm currently working on)
          Aaaand I think that's about it! Be on the lookout for "Isolated" to be updated very soon, and I'll see you all in the chapters!


@_Agent_Michigan_ How exciting! I'm excited to see where your series goes, especially with everything this year being completely new territory (no more rewriiiiiiites)! I hope this year is a fantastic one and that it's full of successes for you and your writing career