

Since I wasn't on here LAST Wed, I am saying it now:
          HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most amazing girl I know U are not just my best friend, you are my big sister, and I know u aren't on here, but I will still be showing this to u... lol
          Love you girly!! No matter what ur Jerk-Face Grandfather says about you, you are  smart, beautiful, strong, and brave, and I love you!!! SO ready to live with u, it's not even funny!! Hahaha!!
          Thank you so much for saying hi to me my first day at school with you. If you hadn't we wouldn't be where we are now. Thank you. I love you, "18itis". That disease looks GREAT on u.... bahahahahaha


II feel 2o lo2t. The poeple who were 2uppo2ed to alway2 be there for me have lef tme and the people who II have ju2t met have turned out to be my clo2e2t of friiend2.... How doe2 that even work??? IIt'2 all 2o confu2ing, but II know one thiing:
          II 2tiil have 2ome poeple who love me and II'm happy for that! ::)