
Transformers comic covers cuz theyre awesome :D


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Since I'm working on chapter 1 of a book, I have the need to point out that I'm shit at writing so don't expect something extraordinary, I just like to write sometimes when I'm bored and super into specific fandoms that I start making little scenes in my head that I want to write it down. If anything I'm relying on Google and Grammarly. 


Not me thinking about making a transformers prime fanfic :^ 


@_A_Gay_Bitch_ I say go for it, only if you want to,the choice is up to you really (^ ^ )


Hey guys, me again. I probably wont be getting back to the book in a while since my exams are around the corner and im trying to focus on my mental health so the book will be on hokd for now


@_A_Gay_Bitch_ I hope it was happy tears cause then I would feel guilty-!


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Heyyy guys, yes i know i know chapter 2 is taking its time but thats because ive got so much shit going on with my mental health and school and i just dobt have the motivation like god- rn my brain is threatening to fall asleep while still being in school uniform so all i can ask is 4 u guys to be patient thanks :D


@_A_Gay_Bitch_ Don't worry, it's alright! Take as much time as you need to compose yourself :>


@_A_Gay_Bitch_ Awhhh that’s fine take your time!