
Don't be shy! I'm always looking for new people to talk to, ecspecially being a nobody on here - so message me!


I don't know if anyone will see this, but I'm going too do it anyway. 
          I have a question. 
          Should I make a reading list or reading lists, and if I should, what should I base them around? 
          Does that make sense? 
          I hope. 
          So, if you guys have any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated if y'all would reply on this message! Thank you! 
          Lyl xoxo 


@buzzingly, I will definitely definitely think about it and see what I will do. Thank you so much for the advice and for replying!


yesss you totally should!! maybe each of your reading lists could include books you’ve read/enjoyed and belong to a theme (love, friendship, heartbreak, etc)—just a thought!! (:


@_AnnaOAnna_ awh! Thanks. I'll try! 


I’m definitely obsessed with this app, one of the main reasons why I can’t get rid of my phone! 


haha me too!! Xxx


@atimelessmuse oh my gosh, same! I'm glad someone can relate to me! xoxo