So happy with what I have right now. And so so proud of whom I become today. Every day, i try my best to become a better person. With that said i also acknowledge the people who have had a major impact on my life, moving to a bigger city made me realized that i can leave who I was on my old city and start anew. My new school had helped me so much, because of them I started to step out of my comfort zone. Who would've thought that I'd become an extrovert? Who would've thought that there will come a time wheren i dont fear public speaking anymore? Who would've thought that i would finally stop being hesitant and be a confident student? Who would've thought that I'd become a Class President? Who would've thought that i made it to the schools Overall Top list for Grade 11? Who would've thought that my teachers knows me and acknowledges my academic performance? Who would've thought that overtime i would become genuinely happy with my school environment?
Because Grade 10 me wouldn't. My 1 year ago self never would have believe in all of these.
That alone makes me sad and proud at the same time. Sad for the wasted opportunities that i turned down because of cowardness and proud because i was able to make it through.
Kudos Ashlie,