
Hey guys!
          	I know you have been waiting for Chapter 43. And it is soon going to be published. Tomorrow.
          	I was going to publish it today, but i slept a lot. I was sleep deprived. 
          	Anyway, going to publish it soon. So....
          	Stay tuned!


Hey guys!
          I know you have been waiting for Chapter 43. And it is soon going to be published. Tomorrow.
          I was going to publish it today, but i slept a lot. I was sleep deprived. 
          Anyway, going to publish it soon. So....
          Stay tuned!


Hey guys!
          I hope you love the new update.
          Yeah. It's not that major but still after recovering I was able to give you guys another chapter.
          I am still disappointed by the delay. But now I am back in full health. 
          So, I present you guys with Chapter 42...
          Chapter 43 will be published in coming 2 days... And the rest will be updated in the same sequence...
          However, I hope Chapter 42 will give a little insight on what to expect from coming chapters.
          Do comment your views and show your love and support by voting on each and every chapter <3


Hi everyone! 
          I hope you enjoy the new update and I know i should have updated Chapter 42 by now.
          But as you know I am still recovering, it been delaying my editing process.
          I have been feeling drowsy or headaches due to weakness which would then end up with me resting or sleeping.
          But dont worry... Chapter 42 will be out soon... And once my health is back to normal I will be updating as usual...
          Just pray for me to be healthy soon, coz seriously i hate it when everything is delayed.


Hey everyone!
          I am still recovering. But I happen to got bored and started editing the two chapters I wanted to publish. 
          And guess what?
          I did!
          So, I am going to publish Chapter 40 and 41 around 20:00 GMT, along with a description for the new characters. Yeah so, total 3 parts will be published on the time span of 15 mins.
          Now, about my health, I am getting better but still have some weakness. But it will soon subside...
          Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading!


I really hate being sick...
          All the sleepless night.
          Barely able to eat.
          Muscle pain and headache.
          But i can confirm that my health is improving.
          Orginally I planned to publish the next two Chapters today.
          But once i am alright I will update the the next three Chapters here... Yes, one more for the delay... After that i will upload as i used to do...


Guys... So, I am sick again.
          I am suffering from dehydration and high fever. Because of which the doc has told me to rest. 
          So, I am away from my laptop, and I haven't got to edit further chapters. 
          I am sorry for the delay.


So... So, glad to annouce that Prologue + Chapter 1 to Chapter 39 will be soon be available for everyone to read. I didn't originally planned this, but these chapters can be consider Part 1 of the book.
          Now, about Chapter 40 to Chapter 63 + Epilogue, Part 2 of the book. I will try to publish them here as soon as possible. This would not have delayed if I wouldn't have fallen sick. But I was, and it affected my editing process.
          However, I can say Chapter 40 will be published in 2 or 3 days... <3
          Hope you love reading it, and show your love and support by voting and commenting on each and every chapter.


Chapter 38 will be published soon, and following it Chapter 39 will be published too... 
          I am excited to share this as these two chapters stands as the turning point of this story after which we will have 24 more chapters to wait for... 
          Sorry for the wait.
          And sorry for the length. 
          (. >_< .)