

Hello, it's me. After a very, very long time. 
          Sooo there is the thing: I think I'm going to delete this account. Why? Because I always forget about this one, because my main account is in my native language and I spend all my time there. But I actually have an idea to start writing there in english and of course continue writing in my native language. I'll update you guys ;)


@_B_r_i_L_ joaa, žinau, bet ir man buvo dingus anketa, tad ir siūlau pasilikt, nes admin'ai net neatrašė :(( Nelinkiu to, bet visada apgalvok ir tokį variantą 


@_Lindeey_ blemba neprikalbėk dėl to dingimo :D liūdna būtų. žiauriai. nes be galo myliu pagrindinę anketą.


Ugh... vėl dingo emoji :((