{ Was finally excited to see Spiderman Into the Spider-verse today after a week of waiting. After a 30 minute wait in the dark theatre and a brief shadow puppet show with random kids the movie was cancelled :') }

Crimson hues scanned over the woman before him , dark brows knitting together under the hood of his hoodie , the shadows revealing the ivory sheen of his smile . ❛ ❛ Rosa , Rosa , Rosa , ❜ ❜ he began , snickering quietly with a wider smile . ❛ ❛ Been quite some time since I've seen you around . ❜ ❜

@tormentxd The Latina's own ruby hues would flicker up and down, scanning the male with slight curiosity, a brow arched as he spoke. His voice alone left goosebumps on her skin, as if her instincts were warning her of the danger this male could produce. Although his outfit confused her momentarily, due to the fact that she has never seen him without his suit and mask, she knew that voice far too well. "Ah, if it isn't mi mejor amigo, Reaper~" She replied with a coy grin of her own, her arms folding across her chest. "It has, hasn't it? Talon's been sending me on so many missions I lost track of time. . How have you been cariño?"

ANNOUNCEMENT; This weekend I'm planning on actually getting back into the roleplay game meaning I'm going to try my absolute best to be active and reply! If there's any specific roleplay you would like to do with my character feel free to dm me and we can brainstorm together, I'm open to all types of RP including Fighting, Romance, Straight up Edgy-ness, Nsfw, rps with a specific plot and much more! ^-^ You have the option of picking to rp with any version of Scarlet, some of which are listed in her S'mb titled Character Call. I am also open to cross-overs or multiverses. Can't wait to rp with you all, let's get this fandom back in motion! ❤️

// so many hispanics in talon -

@youarentserious The Latina would gaze up at the male with a puzzled expression on her painted face. "¿Precioso? You feeling alright? You're never this flirty with me. . Let alone acknowledge me most of the time." Although she was beyond confused by the male's actions she nevertheless took his hand in her smaller one.

“ o , koitáxte eseís . it has been a while , how are you fairing ? ” he crossed his arms , an ever present smug smirk on his face.

“ i do not know where greek is , but / Greece / is right next to the Mediterranean sea. ” he replied after a brief moment of confusion. “ and yes , it is very satisfying to have lives in your hands. except when it's reapy , i've still yet to know how to heal him properly , ” he took of his gloves and set them in his lap to crack his fingers. “ you have no idea how much it hurts to heal someone who is always decaying. ” Galen wanted to add that he should patch himself up and suck it but decided against it. “ and the grin is because i like to see you in pain , knowing that you rely on me to fix your boo boo's. ”

@-takinginimmensepain "Pffft, me? Depressed? That doesn't even fit in proper a sentence!" Rosa exclaimed sitting up on the couch. She honestly saw herself as one of the more cheerful ones in the group, able to even challenge the likes of Sombra. Sure she has her gloomy days but hell she takes pride in annoying Reaper and the others with her personal "charm". "It seems like everyone here speaks in their own language. Spanish, French, Greek- bah." The Latina waved her hand in dismissal setting her weapon and rag onto the coffee table. "Where even is Greek anyway?" She questioned, not realizing the country had a different name. "Oh please, I'm sure you enjoy running around healing us. I noticed your little grin when you rush over to help us."

“ you should lighten up , louloúdi. everyone around here , what is with you guys ? so edgy and depressed , ” he sat across from her , leaning back in the chair. “ look at me , i'm dead , we're dead , we're better off dead. ” he mocked in a horrible french accent , throwing his hands around in emphasis. “ it is greek , and i am sorry that i am cursed to forever heal you and this reckless team. ” Galen sounded out a huff of annoyance. honestly , if he had a problem with their attitudes he would have up and left already. but the man enjoyed Rosa's company the most however , it was just easy to talk to the woman. and picking on Amélie was also an upside.

// jfc , this account is so perfect

Am I salty that Ashe looks like a white washed better western version of my OC?? Ahaha of course not! . . . ;-; maybe a little

My mindset during the entire McCree Short: gOtTa cAtCH mE sUm O'dRiscAls