
@savannerbam :) done


i cried... when i found out that hades and Persephone was updated two years ago... and never again. :(


@Abbyho-ssi Actually I won't be writing any more, I need to delete it, it's an aboluste piece of trash, I don't know what on earth I was thinking when I wrote this rubbish, no clue why on earth people think it's actually any good cuz it's definitely not (and only my opinion matters on it, because I wrote it and it's mine, so if I say it's rubbish, then it's absolute rubbish). Actually don't read anything on here of mine, I'll be deleting my account soon because pretty much everything i wrote sucks, and I'm sick to death of people anything to the contrary. I thought I could just go inactive, but I guess I have to get around to deleting my account if I want to actually stop all this commenting about it being good nonsense and bs. Sorry to waste your time with such rubbish, there's plenty of other writers on here that deserve your time and attention more than me.


Hi Rebecca,
          I'm in the process of writing a new work for theatre that incorporates found poetry as the basis of the characters inner monologues. Your poem "In My Dreams" works perfectly for one of the characters. I was wondering if you'd allow me to use it in my script. I would give you full credit in both the script and any program whenever it's produced. Please email me at: e_babins@yahoo.ca .. I hope to hear from you soon