
Lmao the day after I said bananers in my Message Board, Bananers followed me XD


@_Bananers_ low key suspicion that you might be a certain person I know, lel ;U


@SirPenguinlots LMAOO God is watching


Vielen Dank fürs Folgen <3
          Ich hoffe dir gefallen meine Geschichten, wenn du sie gelesen hast :)
          Würde mich sehr freuen zu hören, ob es etwas gab, was dir besonders gefallen oder missfallen hat. 
          Und ob du selbst einen Wunsch hast über was du gerne eine Geschichte lesen würdest ;)


            Really?! Thank you a lot <3 then I will continue to write it :) looking forwards for you to read it ;)
            And no problem, I really enjoyed your stories.


@PandasGegenEntchen Omg wow..
            I don't see ANYTHING wrong with your english! It's amazing 
            You should totally continue writing this and make more english stories:) This one looks amazing and I wanna see this coming in as a full story. 
            Oh and thanks a lot for checking out my stuff, it really meant a lot to me!


@ PandasGegenEntchen  
   it is...
            Shouyou is looking forward to a weekend in which he can fully concentrate on volleyball, but when he wants to enter the gym, his access is denied by restoration work.
            Because of the coming match against another school, Daichi decided to make a trip into the nearby mountains with the whole team, in order to promote their endurance.
            But what will happen, if the opposing team is in the same area as them. And even worse. What if they win Karasuno's decoy for themselves?
            A flock of crows had settled in front of the school and watched Karasunos' setter as he entered the gate. 
            Some of them didn't even bother at all and just continued to peck the still recoverable waste from the not properly sealed garbage bags. 
            Others again fluttered wildly with their wings and cawed loudly as he walked by.