@Jenny_doe is a fabulous Unicorn and I'm her Bob.

"Don't be a salad! Be the best goddam broccoli You could ever be!"~ Pewdiepie

There's the pretty girls.... And there's the popular girls.... And I look like a potato. A Kawaii potato.

What I do in the shower:
2% Wash Body
3% Wash Hair
95% Contemplate Life

When you're trying to get your friends to listen to your music:

Walking into a new class and looking around the room:
"I'm surrounded by idiots"

Mom: What do you want for Christmas?
Me: Band merch
Mom: Why can't you be a normal girl and wear dresses
Me: No
Mom: Do you want Kellin or the Mexican guys

Band member: So how old are you?
Me: How old do you need me to be

Band = Bands
English = Lyrics
PE = Moshing
Math = Concert/Merch budget
Science = Stage Effects
Social Studies = Band History

*whispers violently to a song because you can't scream*
  • JoinedMay 24, 2015