
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!.... another year dead. *sigh*
          	Admin: Well, today is my birthday too, and I'm finally actually allowed on this website. xD It was so awesome. My friends decorated my locker Harry Potter style. I love them so much. <3


@RealisticWriting In some ways I agree, in other ways I understand. But you know what I really hate? Now on wattpad, you are REQUIRED to have an account to be able to read any of the stories. Before, when I was like 11, the whole reason I got a wattpad account was because I fell in love with the PJO community here and because I loved the stories. Now, no eleven year old can do that. OF COURSE they can have an age requirement, in fact, I agree with that in some ways (not everybody is mature enough to be on this site. I got permission from my parents to get an account despite having been underage, so I was deemed mature enough). But at least let the kids read the books on here (especially now that wattpad can be trusted with it's ratings). Otherwise you'll have immature, underage readers (not saying all are immature, only some) running around Wattpad, defeating the purpose of the age requirement.


@_Bianca_Di_Angelo I know a lot of people who are underage. Wattpad shouldnt have an age requirement because everyone should be allowed on this site. UNDERAGE PRIDEEEEEE WOOHOOOO