Alright! So, I have ultimately decided to finish these Fortnite fanfictions.
My writing style has completely changed from the years ago that I wrote those uh- cringe- stories. Going back and re-reading those, I feel like I should be on a 'No Fly' list. But not to mention that I was in 7th/8th grade, and now I'm a junior in high school. Not saying that what I was writing about was cringe, because the last thing I would do is bash on you all for liking ships of Fortnite characters, but I'm mainly bashing myself, lol. I don't know how many chapters I will be adding on, but it probably won't be much, and I apologize for that. It's mainly because I can't follow my own plot. But! My main goal is to give the main relationship (Meowscles x Midas) some fresh light. I might even, for fun, write a short story in my current style, but don't get your hopes too high on that. I would like to finish these stories and get the final chance to mark them as completed.
And those who'd like to see more, (you know who you are, and thank you for the support) your wish is my command lol! I will try to get a chapter out by tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you for being here, and thank you for the funny ass comments, I love re-reading them from time to time.
If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask! I will answer to the best of my ability. (They can be silly questions too, like what's my favorite color, and I'll still answer, I promise :>)
I love you all!!
-United_Goober :3