
I got my tablet taken away recently, so  I wont be able to update that much for a while. I'm not getting it back for two more weeks at the earliest, so you'll have to be patient for updates as i will update when my parents aren't home.  Sorry guys!


Hello! Thank you for checking out my works and favoring them and such! I really appreciate it even though I haven't made anything in a long time! I really should though.. Heh.. XD Anyways thank you again! I'll be sure to check our your works!


@Broken_Lost_  C: Kay and I'll try and post stuff that you can read!


I'll read whatever you do C:


I got my tablet taken away recently, so  I wont be able to update that much for a while. I'm not getting it back for two more weeks at the earliest, so you'll have to be patient for updates as i will update when my parents aren't home.  Sorry guys!